😎 New faces at Scholar Fund!

Scholar Fund is growing! Welcome Amrita, Maria and Roslyn! When we started as Scholarship Junkies, we never imagined we would expand to where we are now.

🚀 Welcome to the team!

Scholar Fund is growing! When we started as Scholarship Junkies, we never imagined we would expand to where we are now. Since the beginning, education has been at the core of everything we do. As our team grew, our dreams for Scholarship Junkies grew too, and then Scholar Fund sprouted when community needed it most. More on that story here. 

Our education team has been at the forefront of our transformative work, and we are pleased to welcome two new members: Amrita Heer and Roslyn Nambo Kagy! Your contributions will impact students everywhere and advance our values of care in the education world.

We are also excited to welcome Maria Gonzalez as our Operations Coordinator Lead! She will support local community efforts and help more people access the resources and opportunities they need. Scholar Fund welcomes you all with gratitude and eagerness to continue our mission.

Photo of Amrita, with long brown hair in a black and white jacket, smiling while standing in front of a colorful mural.

Amrita Heer, Senior Education Manager

“I am so excited to get to work alongside a really great team in connecting resources to young people and doing cool work with and for youth in our communities!”

Photo of Maria with long brown hair, big earrings, in a black shirt and brown crossbody bag, holding a cup of ice cream.

Maria Gonzalez, Operations Coordinator Lead

“I'm looking forward to diving in and working with so many brilliant people, who are just as passionate about making a difference as I am! Through my work at Scholar Fund, I'm also excited to contribute towards closing gaps and barriers for those furthest from opportunity.”

Photo of Roslyn, smiling at the camera, with brown hair pulled back, beaded earrings, and a white top.

Roslyn Nambo Kagy, Education Strategy Improvement Coach

“As part of the Education Strategy team, I will support regional and statewide college access initiatives with an emphasis on increasing student, family, and community voice and expanding the use of continuous improvement models. I am excited to continue my lifetime commitment to supporting young people in my community and to eliminating systemic barriers that young folks and their families face!”

📅 Connect with us!

Scholar Fund will be participating in various community events this month! This is a great opportunity to meet our team and get resources for students and families.

  • Rainier Beach Action Coalition’s Back2School Bash on August 24, 12-4 PM at Be’er Sheva Park 

  • Villa Comunitaria’s Back to School Resource Fair for Students and Families on August 29, 4-7 PM at Duwamish River Community HUB

  • Seattle Housing Authority Resource Fair on August 30, 12-4 PM, Location TBD

Two Scholar Fund staff members, Steven and Evelyn, stand behind a table covered in a purple tablecloth with "Scholar Fund" printed on it. The table has candies, snacks, flyers, stickers, and informational stands. Behind them is a large Scholar Fund banner and an event seating area facing a stage.

Pictured: Steven and Evelyn tabling for Scholar Fund at the Therapy Fund Foundation’s 2024 Reclaiming Wellness event.

🌟 Community Resources

The WA Department of Commerce will distribute grants to all electric utilities in Washington that serve residential customers, enabling them to pass on $200 bill credits to eligible customer accounts. Apply by September 15, 2024.

Apply to join the HAU Lived Experience Advisory Committee and help improve homeless crisis response systems in Washington. The committee seeks 8-12 members with recent homelessness experience to provide valuable insights and recommendations.

Your application should detail how you'll contribute to making HAU’s programs and homeless crisis response systems better, stronger, and more equitable. Apply by August 16, 2024.

Clark County’s Community Action Advisory Board (CAAB) consists of 15 members representing low-income residents, elected officials, and the general community, advocating for equitable services and conducting triennial needs assessments.

Contact Abby Molloy at 564.397.7832 for more information. Apply by August 16, 2024.

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